Tag: cascades

  • Megalodon Ridge 7/15-7/17

    Megalodon Ridge 7/15-7/17

    Without really intending it I have somehow found myself in this wonderful rhythm where I seem to make it up to the PNW once a year to see friends and play outside. Gabe and Liza are always nice enough to play host as I flitz in and out: their home being a perfect base for…

  • North Ridge of Mt. Stuart – 8/28

    North Ridge of Mt. Stuart – 8/28

    Facing mid-summer heat and dangerously bad air from the California fires (after spending 2+ hours sheltering under rocks from lightening, I can confirm the phrase “historic lightening siege” is accurate) Taryn and I decided to Seattle for a week to visit friends and check out the Cascades. I took Friday off work and in keeping…